3 Things To Do For Your Next Spa Night In!

Who doesn’t love a night to themselves to relax and work on their overall wellness? Whether this by a spa night or a workout night, everyone has a way to create peace in their minds. At home spa nights are a perfect way to stay calm during stressful times. 

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Here are 3 things to do for your next spa night:

  • Try a DIY Face Steam: Face steaming can help open up your pores, remove impurities from your face, and help deliver skincare products more efficiently to the skin. You can easily make your own steam facial without buying the expensive electronic steamer. Here’s how:
    • Boil a small pot of water on the stove
    • Wash your face to remove dirt, oil and makeup to create a clean slate
    • Pour hot water into a bowl & add herbs or essential oils like eucalyptus, camomile, peppermint or lavender to awake & calm the skin
    • Place a towel over your head to tent you face
    • Place you face over the water for 10 minutes
      • Be careful not to stay for too long or be too close to reduce chances of damaging the skin
    • After, use a mask, like a clay mask, to remove impurities that have resurfaced
    • Use a toner to close pores
    • Finally, don’t forget to moisturize!

    spa night

  • Soothe your Sensitive Skin with an Oat Bath: Oat baths are used to soothe skin that has been exposed to chemicals throughout the day. Colloidal oatmeal can bind to the skin to help protect the skin, hold in moisture and reduce inflammation. It also helps clean the skin! 
  • We have Oat Milk available in store which includes raw honey to help the moisture barrier. Click Here to Shop Now!

    spa night

  • DIY Hair Mask: Hair masks are perfect for spa nights because you can put it in and forget it. These DIY masks can have many different hair goals including deep conditioning, scalp health, frizz control and many more. Here are a couple easy DIY masks:
      • Deep conditioning: Add 2 tbsp of coconut oil & 1 tbsp of raw, organic honey, and warm up to mix. Massage into the scalp and spread towards the ends. Keep in for 30-60 minutes then rinse out.
  • Shine & Softness: Add 1 avocado, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tbsp raw, organic honey, ⅛ cup coconut oil and mix up in a blender. Spread the mask into dry hair and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse out.