10 Stay-at-Home Date Nights for Valentine's Day

Valentine’s day is looking quite different this year, but don’t let that discourage you from having the perfect night with your partner!

Here are 10 date ideas for staying at home:

  1. Order Take-Out from a Local Restaurant: Experience a delicious meal while also supporting your community! Make this date even more special by dressing up like you are going out. Just because you are at home doesn’t mean you can’t be dressed to the nines!
  2. Do a Paint-By-Number: Grab a paint-by-number from a local art store or order a custom one online of your favourite picture of the both of you! A cute way to bond and be creative with one another.
  3. Create a Mini-Golf Course: If you have a ball and putter you can make a unique course in your house! You can use books for borders and a cup on its side for the hole. Take turns making each hole!
  4. Plan Your Dream Trip: Take a night to decide the trip you’ve always wanted! This is a perfect idea for those who are travel junkies and can’t wait for their next adventure when it’s safe. Are you choosing a beach destination or city?
  5. Try a New Recipe: Make something you’ve always wanted to try. Have you ever made ravioli from scratch? Sushi? Or fresh Sour-dough bread?
  6. Make Vision Boards Together: Share your inspirations and motivations with each other. This can help you bond with your partner even more!
  7. Create a Rube Goldberg Machine: Be creative! This machine uses everyday objects in your house to do a simple task in an indirect and overcomplicated way. This may include the use of dominos falling and rolling marbles to turn off an alarm clock. If you don’t know what a Rube Goldberg machine is, here’s an example of one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qybUFnY7Y8w&ab_channel=OKGo
  8. Take an Online Class Together: Choose something you both want to improve. You can sign up for a workout program, painting or drawing class, or cooking class!
  9. Make Each Other a Playlist: This is a fun little task to do with each other that you can listen to together next time you’re having a date night or in the car together.
  10. Rock-Paper-Scissors Eat! Play rock-paper-scissors and the winner decides where to go for each part of your meal. Play for snacks, drinks, dinner and dessert!

10 date night ideas